Post Falls, ID

Course credits: 0.75
Course contact hours: 7.5
Seats available: 1
Instructor(s): Mr. Jesse Michaletz

Class description

This complimentary course will be conducted in-person during the 2025 North Idaho Safety Fest in Post Falls, Idaho.

Visit the North Idaho Safety Fest website for information about how to register. Scroll down to find the OSHA #7400 course.

This course focuses on describing noise hazards in the workplace. The course includes; OSHA occupational noise exposure standards, properties of sound, noise-induced hearing loss, noise exposure control, selection and use of hearing protection, sound level surveys, noise dosimetry, and worker training. Classroom demonstrations of noise instrumentation and hearing protection devices are featured. The target audience is the employer or representative designated with the responsibility to develop a noise program. At the conclusion of this course, students will describe sound properties and their relationship to noise-induced hearing loss, hearing protection usage, and using a sound level meter.


February 19, 2025
8:00 am to 4:00 pm | Wednesday

Course location

North Idaho College Workforce Training Center
525 Clearwater Loop
Post Falls, ID 83854
United States

Directions & info