
Seattle, WA

Course credits: 1.6
Course contact hours: 16
Seats available: 6
Instructor(s): Ms. Martha Horike-Pyne

Class description

NIOSH-Approved Spirometry Training courses offered at the University of Washington (UW) incorporate the most recent American Thoracic Society and European Respiratory Society (ATS/ERS) spirometry testing procedures and interpretation standards. The ATS is the leading medical professional society in the United States that provides evidence-based statements for pulmonary function laboratory standards, testing procedures, and the interpretation of test results. Both the 2-day initial and 1-day refresher spirometry classes are offered on UW campus or can be conducted at your site.

Course runs 9:00am-4:30pm each training day.

Intended Audience
This course is designed for technicians who have never taken the NIOSH Spirometry certification course, or with certificates more than 5 years old. This class is appropriate for novice as well as highly experienced spirometry technicians.

Roosevelt Building - University of Washington
4225 Roosevelt Way NE, Suite 100
Seattle, WA 98105
Course Content Includes:
  1. Basic physiology of the forced vital capacity maneuver and the determinants of airflow limitations.
  2. Pulmonary disease patterns in spirometry.
  3. ATS/NIOSH instrumentation requirements including calibration check procedures and sources of error and their correction.
  4. Performance of testing including subject coaching, recognition of improperly performed maneuvers, and corrective actions.
  5. Data quality with emphasis on repeatability.
  6. Actual use of the equipment under supervised conditions.
  7. Measurement of tracings and calculation of results.
  8. Common spirometry testing errors and applicable corrective actions.
  9. Evaluation consists of a written and a practical examination.

Meet the Instructor

Martha Horike-Pyne, RPFT, MPH

Martha received her MPH in Epidemiology from the University of Massachusetts and has been working for the University of Washington since 1973. Martha started off with UW as a Research coordinator for NIH funded pulmonary physiology research studies involving children and adults in pulmonary health effects of air pollution in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences. She now works within the School of Medicine in the Department of Medical Genetics as a Research Scientist for NIH funded investigations of Mendelian pulmonary and autoimmune diseases in children and adults. Martha takes a hands-on approach to spirometry training, with a focus on helping students accurately administer tests and read results. For more information, please contact the course instructor: Martha Horike-Pyne, RPFT, MPH,, 206-221-0971.

Program information
Program Changes effective January 1, 2009
NIOSH-Approved Spirometry course certificates are no longer valid indefinitely. Since January 1, 2009, NIOSH Spirometry certificates will expire five years after the date of course completion. Technicians who completed a NIOSH-Approved Spirometry course within the last five years are eligible to enroll in the 1-day Refresher course to maintain their certification. Technicians with certificates older than five years must repeat the initial 2-day course to maintain their certification.

Course location

Roosevelt Building - University of Washington
4225 Roosevelt Way NE, Suite 100
Seattle, WA 98105
United States

Directions & info

FROM Interstate 5 Northbound/Southbound:
Exit at NE 45th Street. Turn East onto NE 45th Street toward the University of Washington campus. Proceed approximately two blocks until you reach Roosevelt Way NE. Turn right onto Roosevelt Way NE (one way heading south) and travel to the Roosevelt Building, 4225 Roosevelt Way NE. The Roosevelt Building is located on the west side of the road, immediately south of the UW Medical Center Roosevelt Clinic, and across the street from the University Inn.   

FROM Interstate 90 or Highway 520 Westbound:
Take the Interstate 5 North Exit, and proceed north to the NE 45th Street exit.  See directions above.

Pay lot parking is available in the Sound parking garage located immediately south of the Roosevelt Building entrance.

There are several hotels within walking distance of the Roosevelt Building that offer discount rates to guests of the University of Washington. Please mention you are a guest at booking to see if the discount rate is available.

University Inn

Watertown Hotel

The Graduate Hotel

PDF of Directions and Accommodations

Other dates and locations

NIOSH-Approved 2-Day Initial Spirometry Training Course

Seattle, WA

NIOSH-Approved 2-Day Initial Spirometry Training Course

Seattle, WA

NIOSH-Approved 2-Day Initial Spirometry Training Course

Seattle, WA