Instructor Highlight: Dalena Tripplet

Dalena Tripplet earned her professional certificate in Occupational Safety and Health at the University of California, San Diego OSHA Outreach Training Center, and University of Washington, OSHA Outreach Training Center. Read more about her journey below!



Inspiration to Teach Health and Safety

In her words, Dalena is inspired to teach health and safety for the following reason:


"Initially, I worked as a carpenter until there was a death on the jobsite. From that moment on I

focused my career on safety, alerting workers to industry hazards and how they can protect themselves"


Professional Journey

Dalena provides workers the knowledge and skills they need to protect themselves. She has been focused on this noble passion for almost 20 years. Dalena has worked for Washington State OSHA (DOSH) as Region 6 Compliance Supervisor also as a Compliance Health and Safety Officer (CSHO) enforcing DOSH Regulations. She is one of only 17 Region X OSHA Instructors providing training in OSHA Courses for University of Washington. She has also been an Authorized OSHA Outreach Instructor since 2001 in Construction and General Industry. Ms. Tripplet is an adjunct Instructor at Spokane Community College and at North Idaho College & Workforce Training Center. In 2015, she provided instruction to hundreds of students in a variety of Safety courses for Air Washington Program and open enrollment students in the NorthWest. She is a past President of the Inland Northwest American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE).


Academic and Current Role

Ms. Tripplet currently works for Mission Support Alliance at the HAMMER Federal Training Facility. At HAMMER, she teaches nuclear site workers basic and advanced safety skills; such as, Fall Protection, Fork Lift and First Aid/CPR/AED skills. In addition to her instruction at the HAMMER Facility, she is teaching OSHA 10 and 30 courses for the Department of Energy Environmental Management sites. This training will equip DOE personnel to evaluate contractor performance and worker safety on these sites. Ms. Tripplet is Owner of Compliance Alliance, Inc. which specializes in Safety Consulting and Training for Construction and General Industry since 2007 in the West Coast Region.

Upcoming Courses

Don't miss out on Dalena's upcoming courses in Spokane, WA!

OSHA #510 Occupational Saftey and Health Standards for the Construction Industry

OSHA #3115 Fall Protection

OSHA #511 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry


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