Class description
Chemical and biological hazards pose safety and health risks to workers across many work settings such as laboratories, maintenance, and manufacturing. Over 46,000 American workers experienced non-fatal workplace injuries or illnesses resulting from exposure to harmful substances or environments in 2014, while
390 lost their lives.*
Emerging pathogens, new chemicals, and other hazards demand enhanced risk assessment and effective communication of occupational and public health information. Risk assessment and communication are critical for ensuring appropriate and effective prevention strategies for protecting worker health and safety. A proper risk assessment for all potentially hazardous agents— whether biological, chemical, radioactive or physical—must be conducted before establishing protocols, implementing controls, and communicating a mitigation plan. Regular, systematic review of work processes and tasks can protect workers and reduce risks.
This course is designed to give participants a step-by-step approach to assess all risks in the workplace. Practitioners at all levels of an organization will gain essential knowledge and tools to prepare for hazards in the workplace, meet goals for injury and illness reduction, and effectively ensure the safety and health of their employees and co-workers.
*Bureau of Labor Statistics Nonfatal Occupational Injuries and Illnesses Requiring Days Away From WorK, 2014, Bureau of Labor Statistics 2014 Census on Fatal Occupational Injuries