Class description

$695 by October 28, 2011
Government employees are eligible for a $100 discount

Tuition includes coffee, review notebook, DataChem Prep Exam CD-Rom, and the AHMP Hazardous Materials Management Desk Reference textbook (726 pages). DOES NOT INCLUDE EXAM REGISTRATION
The Essentials of Hazardous Materials Management (EHMM) course is an excellent cross-training tool for environmental, health, safety and security (EHS/S) professionals. The course, which is presented in cooperation with the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the Academy of Hazardous Materials Professionals (PNWC-AHMP), an affiliate of the Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals (AHMP), is designed as a broad introduction to the industry and provides instruction about laws and regulations as well as technologies and practices. It highlights topics and information hazardous materials managers need to know to better perform their jobs.  It also helps those new to the profession gain a foundation and prepare for the Certified Hazardous Materials Manager® (CHMM®) designation examination.  Those who already have earned the CHMM® designation can take Essentials of Hazardous Materials Management (EHMM) to obtain annual Credential Maintenance Points (CMPs).

The Essentials of Hazardous Materials Management (EHMM), formerly known as the ACHMM National Overview Course, is endorsed by the United States Department of Energy’s National Environmental Training Office.

Chemical & Physical Properties of Hazardous Materials - Sampling & Laboratory Analysis of Hazardous Materials - RCRA - NEPA - CERCLA - CWA - CAA – TSCA - SDWA - FIFRA - Radiation Principles - Toxicological Principles – Industrial Hygiene - OSHA Requirements for Hazardous Materials Managers - HAZWOPER & Emergency Response - RCRA - Corrective Action - Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) - Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Transportation - Underground/ Storage Tank (UST) Management - Storm Water Discharge Regulations/Oil Pollution Prevention - Groundwater Contamination & Hydrogeology - Environmental Laws & Regulations - Environmental Auditing, Risk & Liability Test Scenarios - Waste Minimization and Pollution Prevention – Management Systems & Tools

Class details

Min. course credits: 2.2
Min. course contact hours: 22