Online Virtual Classroom
Class description
This course covers the process to identify, select and properly safeguard machinery to protect employees and others in the work area and deliver appropriate training in safe work practices. Course topics include types of machinery requiring guarding, point of operation, emergency eyewash/shower requirements, hazard communication, OSHA Machinery and Machine Guarding Standards violations, and corrective actions. Upon course completion students will have the ability to explain hazardous actions and motions of various types of machinery, identify methods of safeguarding, and match identified safeguards with the applicable OSHA Machinery and Machine Guarding Standards to reduce and eliminate the potential for accidents and injuries.
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
8 AM to 12:30 PM Pacific Time
Registration for this online class is generally restricted to residents or employees within OSHA Region 10 (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Alaska). Please contact us regarding your eligibility to attend the class.
Zoom Video Conference Virtual Classroom Format: attendees are required to have an active audio and video connection using a desktop or laptop computer, a cellphone connection is insufficient for class participation. A high speed internet connection is recommended.
Course materials will be provided in digital format only.
Other dates and locations
OSHA #7100 Introduction to Machinery & Machine Safeguarding
Twin Falls, ID
OSHA #7100 Introduction to Machinery & Machine Safeguarding
Online Virtual Classroom - FREE