Class description

This course prepares experienced Outreach Training Program trainers to present OSHA #7600 Disaster Site Worker Course, intended for second responders (those arriving hours or days after the event). Course topics include the National Response Framework, the Incident Command System, disaster work zone safety, respiratory protection, communication issues, applying elements of successful adult training programs, and knowledge, skills, and attitudes to awareness training about safety and health standards at natural and human-made disaster sites. Students are provided the opportunity to practice knowledge and skills through discussion, planned exercises, demonstrations, and presentations. Lesson plans and training materials for the OSHA #7600 Disaster Site Worker Course are provided. Students who wish to participate as authorized Disaster Site Worker trainers must prepare a presentation on an assigned disaster site worker topic individually or as part of a group. Successful completion of this course authorized students to become trainers in the Disaster Site Worker Outreach Training Program, to conduct the OSHA #7600 Disaster Site Worker Course, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion.


  • Must be a current OSHA authorized Construction or General Industry Outreach trainer, and
  • Have a minimum of three years of occupational safety and health training experience, and
  • Have one of the following:
    1) Have completed a 40-hour (minimum) Hazardous Waster Operations & Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) training course within the past five years, or
    2) Have completed the 8-hour HAZWOPER refresher within the past 12 months, or
    3) Possess journey-level credentials in a building trade union

Authorized OSHA Outreach Training Program trainers are required to attend an OSHA #5602 Update for Disaster Site Worker Trainer Course at least once every four years to maintain their trainer status. The OSHA #5600 Disaster Site Worker Trainer Course may also be used to maintain a trainer’s authorized status.

To Apply:

In order to register for this course, you must apply using your legal name. (To update the name associated with your account, go to your account.)

You must also satisfy the course prerequisites. See the  “Prerequisites” section above for more information.

  1. Prerequisite verification forms submitted through the website must be submitted under the account of the person wishing to take the course. They cannot be submitted on behalf of another person.
  2. Download the prerequisite verification form. Once you have filled it out completely, log in or create an account to upload the form along with any required attachments.
  3. You will be contacted by email if you are approved to register.

Class details

OSHA #5600
Min. course credits: 2.4
Min. course contact hours: 24