Amy is a Certified Marine Chemist (CMC) and Certified Industrial Hygienist(CIH) at Sound Testing, Inc. in Seattle, WA, where they conduct vessel inspections in accordance with the NFPA Standard 306. Amy’s dedication to workplace safety is evident in her role as an instructor for OSHA-based safety courses, including Shipyard Competent Person, Confined Space Entry, Fire Watch, and HAZWOPER for maritime settings.
Learn more about the collaboration between PNASH and Oregon State University to reduce the risk of injury for commercial fishermen during their fishing journeys.
Listen to an interview by Rick Gleason and Don King with Laura Syron, an Epidemiologist at CDC/NIOSH, discussing surveillance tracking related to commercial fishing, maritime safety, and seafood processing.
Occupational Health Research in the Commercial Fishing Industry
Discover how research involving the commercial fishing industry helps identify, evaluate, and develop practical interventions, providing insights into how OSH aligns with the competing priorities of workers and businesses. By Lincoln JM, Carruth A, Cherry D, Kincl L, Syron LN.
Trench collapses have killed hundreds of workers in the US over the last decade, we know these deaths are preventable. This WAGISH pre-conference course provides an introduction to the best practices used to identify and reduce hazards associated with trenching and excavation hazards. Earn your CEUs.