Class description

This course covers industrial hygiene practices and related OSHA regulations and procedures. Course topics include recognition, evaluation, and control of chemical, physical, biological and ergonomic hazards, Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL), OSHA health standards, respiratory protection, engineering controls, OSHA sampling protocols and strategies, and workplace health program elements. The course features workshops in health hazard recognition, OSHA health standards and use of sampling equipment. Upon course completion students will have the ability to recognize basic industrial hygiene principles and practices, identify characteristics of common air contaminants, locate PELs, perform basic industrial hygiene calculations, and determine methods for hazard control and abatement.


September 16–20, 2024
9:00 am to 3:00 pm Pacific Time | Monday–Friday


Registration for this online class is generally restricted to residents or employees within OSHA Region 10 (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Alaska). Please contact us regarding your eligibility to attend the class.

Zoom Video Conference Virtual Classroom Format: attendees are required to have an active audio and video connection using a desktop or laptop computer, a cellphone connection is insufficient for class participation. A high speed internet connection is recommended.


Other dates and locations

OSHA #521 OSHA Guide to Industrial Hygiene

Online Virtual Classroom

OSHA #521 OSHA Guide to Industrial Hygiene

Portland, OR

OSHA #521 OSHA Guide to Industrial Hygiene

Online Virtual Classroom

OSHA #521 OSHA Guide to Industrial Hygiene

Seattle, WA

OSHA #521 OSHA Guide to Industrial Hygiene

Online Virtual Classroom

OSHA #521 OSHA Guide to Industrial Hygiene

Seattle, WA

OSHA #521 OSHA Guide to Industrial Hygiene

Online Virtual Classroom